(On Vanessa- Skirt: In store here, Top: American Apparel, Hat: Urban Outfitters, Belt: Vintage, Shoes: DVF, Purse: Vintage. On me- Dress: In store here, Hat: Forever 21, Shoes: Urban Outfitters, Clutch: Vintage)
I love getting the chance to get dressed up for our blogs. It reminds me of when we played dress up when we were little. I loved playing princess in old Halloween costumes from the years past. I would steal my mom's lipstick and heels and run around the house pretending it was my palace. :-) The things you do when your little are so funny! Now, I still get excited when I play dress up the adult way. It's about the only time I get the chance to get dressed up because when I do, people look at me like I am strange. I hate how California can be so casual sometimes.
Well, enough of my rambling... I hope everyone is having a happy Wednesday! :-)
Love it. and you guys have the prettiest hair ever!
are these the dvf shoes you finally got? if so, they are absolutely amazing and I need them in my life!
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