
Oliver turns One!

One year ago today, we were blessed with a beautiful 8 lb 5 oz baby who we named Oliver.  I can't believe we are already celebrating his 1 year birthday!  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.  When he was born, I was so overwhelmed with so much emotion and those same overwhelming feelings and emotions have never really gone away, but have only intensified.   Every day we marvel at what an amazing boy he is.  He is so sweet and funny and smart and kind.  His dad and I are the luckiest parents in the world to be given such an amazing son.  Everything about him is just absolutely perfect!  

So this is to you little man, happy first birthday!  May your special day be filled with all sorts of airplanes, firetrucks, helicopters and cars!  No words will ever be able to express how much we love you!

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