(Coat: In store here, Jeans: Mother, Top: American Apparel, Sunglasses/Scarf/Purse: Vintage)
I have to admit that modeling this fur coat was very difficult considering it was during a major heat wave. Every year, the month of September feels like it gets warmer and warmer. I swear that September is hotter than July and August combined. We took these pictures in front of my house... my neighbors must have thought I was crazy wearing all these layers when it was 105 degrees outside. Now that its officially fall, I want it to feel like fall. Its so funny how one heat wave can make me totally change my mind about wanting the warm summer weather to stay. Everyone on the east coast is so lucky that their weather is starting to cool down. They will be able to wear coats like this very soon while we will still be wearing swimsuits in October. But hey I shouldn't complain because I know it won't be very long into winter until I will want the hot summer weather to come back again. I apologize for my seasonal rants about the bad weather. I guess all I need is a few vacation homes in different parts of the world where I can escape to when I get ancy about the weather. :)
helllo amazing outfit! that coat is unreal!!
oh dear, that's one gorgeous coat!
cute cute outfit!
please check out my new blog, If you'd like we can follow each other!
adore your coat :D
I'll definitely will following you if you follow me :D
Decimal Shoes
Loving the coat and your modern bohemian look! I'm so inspired!
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