(Sweater: In store here, Top/Shorts: American Apparel, Mary Janes: Urban Outfitters, Purse/Sunnies: Vintage)
I love grandma sweaters like this one and another one we have in the store here. When we first saw this one, I swore it was my grandma's. She had one just like this that she wore all the time. It makes me sad that overtime things like this get misplaced, given away or even thrown in the trash. I wish I could go back in time and steal all the amazing sweaters, dresses, clutches, hats and boots my grandma collected. I promise myself I will do it differently with all my things, so one day I can pass it down to my family.
I have been rummaging for hours through family albums looking for a photo of my grandma in this sweater. I couldn't find one of her wearing the sweater but instead I found some amazing ones along the way that I wanted to share with you all. (Sorry about the poor quality, I don't have the best of scanners)

Awwwww Candice! I love these pictures of grandma!!!!! SO SWEET <3
I love this post so sweet! I mentioned you lovely ladies in my post today :)
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